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Financial statement
BALANCE SHEET (UNIT : 1 mil. won)
YEAR 2023 2022 2021
Current assets 1,556,0851,442,0871,476,006
Non-current assets 2,676,5772,502,2502,347,407
Total assets 4,232,6623,944,3373,823,413
Current Liabilities 1,329,9611,431,7231,041,728
Non-current liabilities 1,197,818916,3821,181,758
Total Liabilities 2,527,7792,348,1052,223,486
Capital 54,08454,08454,084
Capital Surplus 42,16642,16642,166
Retained Earnings 1,505,8131,424,1451,421,524
Accumulated other comprehensive profit and loss 72,11245,97055,650
Other components of equity 22,25322,25322,252
Non-controlling Interest 8,4557,6144,251
Total Capital 1,704,8831,596,2321,599,927
YEAR 2023 2022 2021
Amount of Sales 2,701,720 2,597,424 2,079,407
Cost of Sales 1,962,430 2,165,894 1,639,803
Selling and General Administrative Expenses 552,299 485,784 435,212
Operating Income 186,991 -54,254 4,392
Other non-operating income and loss 10,701181-5,104
Financial income and loss -48,00813,76017,192
Equity Method Income
Operating Earnings 149,684 -40,313 16,480
Income Tax Expense 46,568 -12,807 11,846
Net Income of the Term 103,116 -27,506 4,634