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Informacje finansowePodawane są dokładne informacje, aby stworzyć możliwości skutecznego inwestowania.
Financial statement
BALANCE SHEET (UNIT : 1 mil. won)
YEAR 2017 2016 2015
Current Asset 913,495 847,737 800,745
Fixed Assets 1,880,515 1,770,176 1,780,130
Total Asset 2,794,010 2,617,913 2,580,875
Current Liabilities 648,196 559,981 580,525
Fixed Liabilities806,881 855,182 966,304
Total Liabilities 1,455,076 1,415,163 1,546,830
Capital 54,084 53,458 53,458
Capital Surplus 42,166 25,961 25,961
Other Accumulated Comprehensive Profit and Loss 1,203,429 1,068,483 900,177
Capital Adjustment 13,567 22,929 24,713
Profit Surplus 22,253 22,331 22,331
Non-controlling Interest 3,435 9,588 7,405
Total Capital 1,338,934 1,202,750 1,034,045
YEAR 2017 2016 2015
Amount of Sales 1,964,793 1,894,703 1,837,467
Cost of Sales 1,327,569 1,207,929 1,218,458
Selling and General Administrative Expenses 451,802 438,754 394,132
Operating Income 185,421 248,020 224,876
Non-operating Income 2,500 -1,846 -2,476
Non-operating Expenses -21,182 -29,645 -57,613
Equity Method Income
Operating Earnings 166,739 216,529 164,788
Income Tax Expense 41,337 40,568 37,668
Net Income of the Term 125,402 175,961 127,120